No reason for a Flash upgrade to shut down your entire browser, even if it claims so.

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As we use more and more mobile devices in our lives, an open platform is becoming more, not less important.

[^predict]: He is, of course, not the first to predict such a thing, but with "smart watches" and such being released left and right, we're certainly closer than ever to this reality. [^browser]: Or the platform is the browser engine, as is the case with Firefox OS.

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There was a time when I worked on the website full time. This time has passed, but the website is in the capable hands of my friends at Mozilla's Web Productions team.

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Woah it's been a long time since I last blogged. Busy times. So here you go with a casual Firefox tip:

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Over the years, I have written a handful of Firefox add-ons, and I need notifications quite frequently. Why? Most of my add-ons do something in the background at the user's request, and when it's done, the user wants to know. Alternatively, if my add-on attempts to do something and fails, the user would see nothing happen at all, unless I somehow tell them.

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I just released a new version of imagetwist!

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Ever so often, friends send me emails with pictures they took on their phones. When looking at the photo, it frequently appears turned on its side, like this:

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There's a semi-funny Internet meme called "first world problems", here is an example:

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By now, I have helped hire a few dozen people (web developers, mostly, but also database admins, recruiters, QA engineers, and such) and I really enjoy when my assessments were right and they turn out to be great employees.

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I am grateful that my skill set is apparently a scarce commodity -- so much so that I routinely get emails from recruiters trying to get me interested into their respective employers / clients. So far so good. That's nice, even flattering at times.

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