This is a meme I borrowed from Freya. It's a Google image search meme. Search for your answer for each one, and pick your favorite from the first 3 pages.
Feel free to pick it up if you like, and don't forget to trackback!
While Freya got a bunch of "naked chicks" in her search results (and neglected to include them, much to the dismay of her male readership), I got a bunch of muscular models that share my first name--who I conveniently chose not to display here either (sorry female readership :) ). Here we go:
Your first name:

Your middle name:
Your last name:

Your age:

A place you would like to visit:

Your favorite place to be:

The name of a past love:
(uhm, when you search for women's names, Google turns up a various number of women with very little clothes on, so I leave this one as an exercise to the reader.)
Your college degree or concentration:

Your grandmother's first name:

Where you grew up:

Your childhood pet's name:
Your best friend's nickname:

Your first job:

Your favorite food:

Your favorite color:

What you're doing right now:

One of your bad habits:

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