Looks like it's George Orwell's lucky day: Microsoft has filed a patent application for "a computer system that links workers to their computers via wireless sensors that measure their metabolism. The system would allow managers to monitor employees’ performance by measuring their heart rate, body temperature, movement, facial expression and blood pressure." (The Times, emphasis added).

Needless to say privacy experts are not particularly enthused, especially over here in Germany where the data protection laws are slightly on the strict side anyway. What I though was interesting is a quote by a German privacy expert, who said that while Microsoft may earn money from selling the product eventually, the companies who use it almost certainly won't profit from monitoring their employees: She referred to a study made by the London School of Economics for Microsoft in 2003 which states that monitoring employees decreases their productivity and creativity. As such, the privacy expert says, Microsoft's idea is "absolutely outdated".

Considering the document was filed in June 2006 already and has only just came to public attention, the "outdated" claim may not be too far off after all.

Side note: As always, my blog represents my opinion only, and not Mozilla's or anyone else's. Just in case this was not perfectly clear to begin with.

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tagesschau.de hat einen interessanten Artikel über das Tourismusgebiet Kumgang in Nordkorea, wo Südkoreaner Urlaub in den Bergen des eigentlich verfeindeten Nachbarn machen können.

Streng abgeschottet von der Zivilbevölkerung, natürlich.

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When my girlfriend recently tried to access Craigslist on her French dorm's internet, she got this instead:

According to the current security policy, the URL you have requested is blocked. Host : 'www.craigslist.org' URL : '/...' Categorie : 'Pornography and Sexually-explicit Content'


Maybe somebody should have told them that regex-matching agains three-letter words is not exactly the best method of keeping your students from surfing around on "dirty" websites?

The page she wanted to see was a harmless "best of craigslist" story after all -- I doubt it would survive long on Craigslist otherwise.

Everybody stand back: I know regular expressions.

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Heute morgen habe ich einen interessanten kleinen Kommentar zum Fachkräftemangel in der deutschen IT-Branche gelesen:

Ein Drittel der IT-Unternehmen kann seine freien Stellen nicht besetzen und ruft durch die Kehlen der Verbände nach der Politik. (...) Das Leid ist selbst verschuldet.

Nach der Dotcom-Blase ließe man "(d)as bisschen Code" "nur noch in Indien produzieren".

Dass die Unternehmen ihre Hausaufgaben bei der Ressource IT-Mensch weiterhin nicht machen, ist leicht an den Einstiegsgehältern abzulesen. Trotz der bejammerten Knappheit bekommt ein frischer IT-Hochschulabsolvent weniger Kohle als vor Jahren.

Das erwartete Einstiegs-Branchengehalt lag "2007 mit 42 600 Euro pro Jahr zwar 800 Euro über dem von 2006". Doch 2004 gab es "mit 43 900 Euro noch deutlich mehr".

Jan Kleinert, Chefredakteur des deutschen Linux-Magazins, im Editorial der Ausgabe 2/08.

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Fred ‘08 Shirt

Wow, one of the US presidential candidates has a whole store full of Fred merchandise. I totally want a Fred shirt. Or what about a Fred cap (that incidentally comes with a fancy star-sprangled banner on the back, what more could you ask for, really? :) )?

I am still considering buying something (but international shipping may be expensive :( ) because over here in Germany nobody will think I am trying to send a political message when in fact I just dig the shirt.

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