So there is this guy, who says he has eaten 23.000 big macs over the course of 36 years and obviously, kept all the receipts.
If these were the presidential elections, I would demand a recount, but in dubio pro reo and all, let's assume he is right. Of course I wanted to know how many big macs that totals per day, so I entered into Google:
23 000 / (36 years)
and what did I get back? Obviously, big macs per second:
By the way: Using more conventional units, this totals between 1 and 2 big macs a day.
PS: Random fact I am sure none of you wanted to know, Heinrich Hertz, the guy whose name became the unit of frequency "hertz", was a professor at University of Karlsruhe (my home uni), where he discovered the electromagnetic waves.