After I posted about Fred campaign merchandise recently, I was pointed to the "home and garden" section on Amazon, which apparently has a lovely collection of Fred-related merchandise!

Of course I want most of these things (did I mention I will add them to my wish list) and probably "need" none of them :) .

Except for the Fred "ouch" toothpick holder, maybe (which would make for a nice voodoo doll, too!):

Fred Toothpick Holder

(Thanks for the link, Jenny!)

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Fred ‘08 Shirt

Wow, one of the US presidential candidates has a whole store full of Fred merchandise. I totally want a Fred shirt. Or what about a Fred cap (that incidentally comes with a fancy star-sprangled banner on the back, what more could you ask for, really? :) )?

I am still considering buying something (but international shipping may be expensive :( ) because over here in Germany nobody will think I am trying to send a political message when in fact I just dig the shirt.

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