Design Agency "Information Architects" from Tokyo has released a tube map of the Web (for the second time, even), connecting the allegedly "200 most successful sites on the web":

Part of the WebTrends Map 2007 v2

The map (large version here) seems to have shrunk Firefox's "station" a little, compared to the first version of the map released around new year's. I hardly even found it at first.

While I may not agree with all of the inclusions or connections (for example, I am unsure why the awfully overrated German weblog "Spreeblick" belongs on there) I think it's an interesting and fun map to look at (rather than an accurate illustration of the current structure of the web).

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Heute vor 40 Jahren wurde die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung gegründet, und kämpft seitdem unermüdlich für die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung in Deutschland.

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OSCON 2007 starts next week in Portland, Oregon. Now, Nat Torkington on O'Reilly Radar encourages people to record presentations there and youtube them afterwards.

As I can't make it to Portland this year, I am very glad to hear that! I hope, a lot of the presentations will make it online for us to enjoy.

PS: If you don't have a camcorder, you may want to check if your digital camera can take videos (most do, actually). The quality will certainly be sufficient even so. (The only thing I am worried about it youtube's 100M upload restriction, which may not be enough depending on the length of a particular presentation.) Oh, and make sure you bring a tripod if you tend to get shaky holding a cam for too long ;)

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Pretty cool: The new Fiat 500.

Not cool: Having a "designed for MS Windows" logo next to the cigarette lighter.

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Hah, that's funny: The word "ginormous" made it into this year's update of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, two years after it made first place in an online poll for the "favorite word not in the dictionary".

They define it as:

extremely large, HUMONGOUS


(via bb)

Update: As a reader points out, it only wasn't in Merriam-Webster (an American dictionary) yet -- while it has been British slang for a long time and thus can be found in the Oxford dictionaries. Thanks, Ian!

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Good to know: Yes it blends!

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Liebe Leser,

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Eine Bloggerin in Hong Kong geriet jüngst ins Visier der dortigen Justiz, weil sie die dortige Zensurpolitik in ihrem Weblog kritisiert hatte und ein Aktfoto auf flickr verlinkt hatte. Das kann sie bis zu einem Jahr ins Gefängnis bringen, oder eine Geldstrafe von bis zu 400.000 HK-Dollar nach sich ziehen.

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Der Euro ist auf einem Rekordhöchststand gegenüber dem Dollar.

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Haha, man studiert eindeutig zu lange an einer technischen Hochschule, wenn man das hier komisch findet ;)

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