From the "announcements" section of Bank of America's online banking:

Firefox is now supported by Online Banking.(New) Experienced Firefox users and customers interested in using Firefox can conduct Online Banking activities knowing that the browser is fully supported. For information about settings that will help you get the best possible Online Banking experience with Firefox, visit our Browser Help and Tips.

Glad to hear!

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Al Billings has a picture of the blown transformer that caused Thursday's power outage. That laundry truck must have ran into it really bad, considering it ripped it off its base:

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What the heck? This morning, a laundry truck ran into the hotel's power transformer, leaving the entire hotel out of power.

Now it's (barely) running on emergency power (needless to say the Wifi is on that emergency power as well), while we are waiting for a replacement generator. Chances are though that due to the fantastic rock slide, it has to take the long route so that could take a while.

Good times.

Update: Since 2:30pm, the power's back on. Yay.

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I dig the Mozilla Summit Poster:


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Oops, a rock slide trapped us in Whistler: "Rock slide closes Vancouver to Whistler route" (

Luckily, there's still time until Friday to clean it up. Had it happened on departure day, there'd be over 400 flights to reschedule. Good times.

Update: The story of Mozilla being trapped seems to get a little press feedback: On ZDNET, for example, and the local press wants to cover our experience as well.

Update 2: The highway is to reopen today (Saturday) night, they say.

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Update on the unlucky rock slide story: Apparently it's going to be closed for five days, meaning we have to leave much earlier in order to take an alternative route to Vancouver.

I can't exactly say I am looking forward to spending 7 instead of 3 hours in the bus :( At least I am not flying back straight to Pittsburgh on Friday, so at least it won't be followed by another 8 hours or so of traveling.

Update: My bus was rescheduled to 3 am in the morning. Looks like I'm not going to go to bed that night and just sleep on the bus.

Update 2: Thank heaven somebody filed a bug on this: Can't get out of Whistler -- can't be long until this gets fixed!

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Well, greetings from Whistler, BC! It's raining, but sessions have started so we don't really hang out too much outside at the moment anyway. And while meals are outside, they are luckily in a tent. Phew.

Of course at lunch, I was stirring the salad dressing and promptly a round piece of glass at the bottom of the jar broke out and decided to flood my pants with what I believe was yummy while still in the jar. Always good to have a pair of spare pants.

I added some pictures to ipernity already, so go over there if you'd like to see what I took pictures of. I also wrote some code to import ipernity into, where I hope it'll show up soon.


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Yay, I am out and about for the Mozilla Summit 2008 in the beautiful Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.

It's going to be an exciting week with a lot of people I know and haven't seen in a long time, and there will be many new people to meet as well. I am looking forward to it!

Whistler itself is a breathtaking place, they say, so I am particularly thrilled that such a great place was picked for the event. I know at least one of my friends is jealous because he'd love to go mountain-biking there!

If you want to see what's going on at the Mozilla Summit, hop on over to, a new mash-up site showing tons of media related to the summit. Soon it'll look much fuller than this:

I'll write again when I'm there :)

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Just recently I ranted about how bad it is that GMail auto-adds every possible email address it can get its hands on to your contacts, making them utterly cluttered with the most random people on the planet, including "remove me from this mailinglist" addresses and others you never want to see again.

It seems as if Google heard me (and many others): They now introduced a new section "suggested contacts" that they dump everybody and their brother's email address into, but the people you actually want to have as contacts stay in an also newly created "My Contacts" folder.

This gives you the convenience of still adding people you email to the auto-complete feature (which, in and by itself is not so bad), while not hopelessly cluttering your contacts. Exactly what I want!

Well, thank you, Google. Read more about it on the GMail blog.

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I just stumbled across a collection of very nice Firefox background images.

Some of them I've seen many times (like "always wear protection", which always reminds me of the "natural mail enhancement" pic), others are new to me, but they seem to be the work of some very talented designers in the Mozilla community, so make sure to check them out.

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