Google Labs LogoI recently tried out Google's (quite) new Browser Sync extension for Firefox.

So far, I like it. It seems to be synchronizing my bookmarks and long-term cookies between browsers and across operating systems pretty well. But, there are a few things I don't like:

  • When I switch from one computer to the next, it logs me off the first computer. In order to sync the boxes, I therefore have to close every single browser window on computer A so that it copies it stuff to the sync account, and after that, I can open a window on computer B. That's really annoying, especially because I don't close every tab when I leave work just to open the same pages (references etc) yet again the next morning when I get back. There doesn't seem to be a way to get my bookmarks etc. synchronized without actually closing the whole deal.
  • Once, when I installed the plugin on my Mac Mini, the highly sophisticated "conflict resolution" system included in Google Browser Sync wiped out my whole bookmarks toolbar. Now this is reliable, right there. I wonder what I need such an extension for when I lose my bookmarks anyway. It works now, but at that point, I was quite annoyed having to put my most visited web pages on the bar again.

So, I am wondering if there are "competitors' products" we could try out? As in most parts of life, a little competition does not hurt. I remember, I saw an alternative roaming profile extension for Firefox recently, but I forgot to bookmark it (or it was on the toolbar that was wiped by Google ;)) -- in any case, now I can't find it anymore, because the search engines are flooded with articles about Google when you search for Firefox roaming profile extensions and similar.

Can anybody help me out?

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Dieter ZetscheNa sowas: Da kocht der Chef noch selbst. Nachdem DaimlerChrysler in den USA in letzter Zeit nicht gerade seine besten Zeiten erlebt hat, und man immer damit rechnen muss, bei den Amerikanischen Kunden in Ungnade zu fallen, wenn man als Ausländer bei "ihren" Marken mitmischt, hat sich DaimlerChrysler-Chef Dieter Zetsche höchstpersönlich vor die Kamera gestellt und Werbespots für die Automarke Chrysler gedreht.

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Liebe Ballfreunde und Ballfeinde, werte Eckfahnen.

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Monday, the OSU Beavers won the national championship in NCAA college baseball. That's pretty much awesome, and to watch the game, most rightly people left early from work, the coffee place in the library closed in the middle of the afternoon, and almost everybody but me freaked all out about it. Especially when the game was over and the championship was ours, Monroe street (right next to campus) was crowded with celebrating, drunk, orange people and the whole city was proud of "their" beavers.

Strange, strange. As a European, I will probably never understand how people can be insane about a game the rules of which in not even remotely understand. (I am proud of the Beavers, anyway!)

And, oh well, when it comes to soccer, people probably shrug at me, too. Sometimes I even think I am the only one here knowing what offside is ;)

Update: That is how it has to look like downtown when a good soccer game is on :)! Soccer fans, CC-licensed on flickr by My university city, Karlsruhe, Germany during the game Germany-Ecuador.

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Gedankliche Notiz: Wenn man ein Glas aus der gerade fertig gewordenen Spülmaschine nimmt und mit kaltem Wasser füllt, kann das sprunghaften Erfolg haben.

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Das Internet lügt nicht:

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Samstag, 17 Uhr: Bier und Chips.

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OSU FlaggenVor dem Gebäude, in dem ich arbeite, wehen die Flaggen des Landes, der Nation und der Uni. Gestern wehten sie auf Halbmast.

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Fred from BrasilAls die Brasilianer gegen Ende des Spiels Brasilien - Australien ihren Fred eingewechselt haben, war mir ja gleich klar, dass der noch ein Tor schießen würde.

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World Cup Fans; CC-licensed from -Tom- on flickr; Unglaublich! Als ich heute mit meinem Mädel telefoniere, sagt sie mir ganz beiläufig, dass der World Cup hier im Kabelnetz noch von einem weiteren Sender ausgestrahlt wird:

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